Talks with Tab: The Podcast
Welcome to Talks wit Tab: The Podcast where I'll be talking all things life, business, mentoring, motivation, and more. After a 2(ish) year hiatus, I am SUPER excited to be here . . . Lets grow together!
Visit www.tabithadjames.com or find Tabitha on social media!
Talks with Tab: The Podcast
Released Women: UNLEASH Chat Replay
Tabitha D. James
"Don't let someone else write your story" Originally created for Facebook and Zoom so quality may not be the highest. HOWEVER, the content shared was DEEP!Jessica Jena, the founder of Released Women, sat down with us to tell us why we as women need to stand in our power, know we aren't alone in our journey, and why we shouldn't let others dictate our story. Enjoy the replay and connect with Jessica Jena on the inter-webs:https://linktr.ee/releasedwomenhttps://twitter.com/thejessicajenahttps://www.instagram.com/releasedwomen/https://www.instagram.com/jessjessica...Know a woman dedicated to UNLEASHing greatness in this season, tell her about The UNLEASH Collaborative:https://www.1amshe.com/unleash.html
Visit www.tabithadjames.com or find Tabitha on social media!