Talks with Tab: The Podcast
Welcome to Talks wit Tab: The Podcast where I'll be talking all things life, business, mentoring, motivation, and more. After a 2(ish) year hiatus, I am SUPER excited to be here . . . Lets grow together!
Visit www.tabithadjames.com or find Tabitha on social media!
Talks with Tab: The Podcast
Get These FANCEE Gems: UNLEASH Chat Replay
Tabitha D. James
"What makes me strong is being vulnerable about the ugliest parts of my life" - Ciera YoungOriginally created for Zoom and Facebook so quality may not be the highest HOWEVER the content shared here was PHENOMENAL! As a part of the UNLEASH Lunchtime Chat series, I called my girl Ciera Young and asked if she would come bless us from a mental health, business, emotional well-being aspect and she DELIVERED! This conversation was RAW, this conversation was DOPE, this conversation was a GEM-FILLED experience. Enjoy this replay and connect with Ciera on the inter-webs: http://instagram.com/fan_ceehttps://www.instagram.com/normalizemh/https://www.facebook.com/MissCeeYoungKnow a woman dedicated to UNLEASHing greatness in this season, tell her about The UNLEASH Collaborative: https://www.1amshe.com/unleashtheunleashcollaborative.eventbrite.com
Visit www.tabithadjames.com or find Tabitha on social media!