Talks with Tab: The Podcast
Welcome to Talks wit Tab: The Podcast where I'll be talking all things life, business, mentoring, motivation, and more. After a 2(ish) year hiatus, I am SUPER excited to be here . . . Lets grow together!
Visit www.tabithadjames.com or find Tabitha on social media!
Talks with Tab: The Podcast
Timeless Gem: Nah to Normal
Tabitha D. James
This week's timeless gem, NAH TO NORMAL! There is a plethora of messaging and information being sharing always but right now it's on OVERDRIVE; sharing and rates are bizarre. In the mix is a substantial amount of chatter around "getting back to normal" -- make it stop, PLEASE! What is normal anyway? For anyone and everyone, normal looks different, therefore getting back to "it" is a widely subjective message. Instead of rushing back to normal, I'm challenging the UNLEASH Tribe to do a few things:- Find and connect with personal peace- Give and accept grace- Allow yourself to feel, whatever that means for you! Can we agree to do that? Hope so! During this episode I drop a gem or two, share my transparent truths and remind you to share this message/platform with a friend. Until next time, catch ya later!Let's connect somewhere in the online space to continue the conversation and hold each other accountable:www.linkedin.com/in/tabithadjames/www.twitter.com/mstabithad_www.instagram.com/mstabithad_/www.facebook.com/mstabithad/www.pinterest.com/mstabithad/
Visit www.tabithadjames.com or find Tabitha on social media!